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This pathophysiology lecture note will serve as a theoretical guideline for undergraduate nurse and other health sciences students. Pathophysiology is the study of the disturbance of normal mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions, either caused by a disease, or resulting from a disease or abnormal syndrome or condition that may not qualify to be called a disease. An alternate definition is "the study of the biological and physical manifestations of disease as they correlate with the underlying abnormalities and physiological disturbances. This lecture-note will provide a summarized basis for the students by expanding the student’s knowledge in the sciences how alteration in structure (Anatomy) and function (Physiology) disrupt the human body as a whole. It is written for undergraduate students in nursing and other health oriented disciplines as prerequisite course for certain courses. 
The under standing of disease process is continually being updated and clarified by research. In this text of pathophysiology, every attempt has been made to provide the most current available information in simplified and wellexplained ways.
First of all we would like to thank The Carter Center EPHTI, Addis Abeba for the continual and unreserved support in solving the shortage of teaching/learning materials in the higher teaching institutions of Ethiopia. We especially thank the national reviewers Mr. Asrat Demisie (Addis abeba University) and Dr. Mesele Bezabih (Jimma University) for their intensive and meticulouse review of this lecture note. We extend our sincere thanks to our colleagues Dr. Musa Husien and Mr. Biftu Geda from Haramaya University Faculty of Health Sciences for their invaluable comments in reviewing the lecture note. Our heart felt thanks also goes to interinstitutional reviewers Mr. Birara Tadeg, (University of Gonder), Mr. Alemayohu Bayray (Mekelle University), Wezam Tesfay (Defence College of Health Sciences) and Mr. Mewael Fikru (Hawassa University) for their constructive comments.

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