Creative Careers in HollyWood

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Why all this talk about working in Los Angeles, making myths, and being part of the collective consciousness? Because our modern-day movies are tangible evidence of our modern-day myths. The movies are written, produced, and directed by individuals, who are part of our society; they are not manufactured by the gods above, but rather, by artists who are just like you and me. So, in order to learn about life in Hollywood, it might be interesting to explore the movies about working in the movies, which have been made by people who work in the movies. The lifestyle and adventures of working in film will be revealed within the very medium the industry produces.

And so this book was born. Out of the history of film during this past century, I have chosen movies featuring the basic jobs of the entertainment industry—Actor, Agent-Manager, Assistant, D-girl, Director, Press, Producer, Production and Crew, Studio Executive, and Writer. Each illustrates one or more of the above-named jobs. The duties, the trials and tribulations, the highs and lows, and the rewards of each job are explored as the positions are scrutinized. The result is a patchwork account of the creative career choices one has access to when working in Hollywood.

Analyzing movies made about working in the movies is challenging and fascinating at the same time. It has often been said that in order to go forward, it is best to look backward so the same mistakes aren’t made. This book will provide a place to begin to understand the triumphs and defeats of all of the on-screen workers in the industry. Download



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