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The Canadian Institute of Steel Construction is a national industry organization representing the structural steel, open-web steel joist and steel plate fabricating industries in Canada. Formed in 1930 and granted a Federal ! " # $ fabricated steel in construction. As a member of the Canadian Steel Construction Council, the Institute has a general interest in all uses of steel in construction. CISC works in close co-operation with the Steel Structures Education Foundation (SSEF) to develop educational courses and programmes related to the design and construction of steel structures. The CISC supports and actively participates in the work of the Standards Council of Canada, the Canadian Standards Association, the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes and numerous other organizations, in Canada and other countries, involved in research work and the preparation of codes and standards. Preparation of engineering plans is not a function of the CISC. The Institute does provide technical information through its professional engineering staff, through the preparation and dissemination of publications, and through the medium of seminars, courses, meetings, video tapes, and computer programs. Architects, engineers and others interested in steel construction are encouraged to make use of CISC information services. This publication has been prepared and published by the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction. It is an important part of a continuing effort to provide current, practical, information to assist educators, designers, fabricators, and others interested in the use of steel in construction. Although no effort has been spared in an attempt to ensure that all data in this book is factual and that the numerical values are accurate to a degree consistent with current structural design practice, the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction, the author and his employer, Hatch, do not assume responsibility for errors or oversights resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Anyone making use of the contents of this book assumes all liability arising from such use. All suggestions for improvement of this publication will receive full consideration for future printings. 
CISC is located at 3760 14th Avenue, Suite 200 Markham, Ontario, L3R 3T7 and may also be contacted via one or more of the following: 

Telephone: 905-946-0864 
Fax: 905-946-8574 
Website: Revisions 
This Edition of the Design Guide supersedes all previous versions posted on the CISC website: www.cisc-icca. ca. 

Future revisions to this Design Guide will be posted on this website. 
Users are encouraged to visit this website periodically for updates. 



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