Tricks of the eBay® Masters

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Where Can You Find the eBay Masters? 

The eBay Masters spend a lot of time on eBay, as you might suspect. Not only do they have a lot of auctions running at any given time, they’re also a vital part of the eBay community. 

What is this eBay community, you ask? Well, eBay has a vibrant set of discussion forums (located at, where the most interested— and most interesting—buyers and sellers hang out and discuss the issues of the day. These discussion forums are where I found most of the eBay Masters, all of whom gladly offered to contribute their words of wisdom for this book. 

And here’s the interesting thing. The eBay community is actually a number of different small communities. The folks you meet on the Auction Listings board are different folks from those you meet on the Packaging & Shipping board, who are different from the folks you meet on the Collectibles board. Since each board is organized around a particular topic or type of merchandise, members tend to pick one or two forums and make their contributions there. The result is that the Clothing, Shoes, & Accessories board has a completely different personality than the Booksellers board, and you’ll meet different users on each board. The common factor is that they’re all friendly, and they’re all incredibly helpful. Spend some time on the boards with the eBay Masters, and don’t be shy about asking questions—or offering your own unique contribution.

Now, don’t get all freaked out about this, but there are a lot of scam artists out there, and they’re all intent on parting you from your money. These crooks existed long before the Internet came into existence, but they’ve learned to adapt their thieving ways to the new online medium. They also know a good thing when they see it, so many of these scammers have focused intently on eBay’s massive user base for potential victims. 

Some scammers focus on eBay buyers; I discuss these frauds in Chapter 4, “How to Be a Smarter—and Safer—Buyer.” Other scammers target eBay sellers; I discuss these frauds in Chapter 17, “How to Deal with Customer Problems—and Problem Customers.” But there are also a class of scams that target all eBay users, and you need to know about them.  Please Click Here For Download Ebook



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